7-month online professional course
From zero to portfolio ready

  1. Master Python, learn how to build data infrastructure and create data systems,
  2. Develop 3 reference IT projects for your CV,
  3. Get ready to apply for an IT job.
Data Engineer Bootcamp
Starting on July, 6
Weiterbildung Educational License
70,000+ alumni
Our founder built 3 universities and 2 business schools in Europe, and graduated 70,000+ students.
85% employment rate
85% of grads with this certificate get a new job in IT in 6 months or less after graduation.
— Installment plans,
— Or pay upfront, and save 10%.
Flexible payment options
The group starts on July, 6 — talk to our advisors and secure your 20% off
Talk to our advisors!
Ready to make your first step in IT?
Book a call with our advisor by July, 6 to lock in 20% off
Get free career consultation and save your 20% off for all the Berlintech’s courses
We work under the well-recognised educational license. It is hard to receive, and we need to undergo an extensive audit and reaffirm the license every single year.

This license guarantees that Berlin Technological Academy offers continuous professional education which meets the superior standards and regulations set by German government authorities.
Get your state-recognised diploma for work
Berlin Technological Academy works under the German state educational license
Our mission is to bring hope, strength and guidance to help you make one of the greatest changes in your life — a career change.

We know how many doubts and fears you have. We know how difficult it is to choose the new profession in alien IT filed. You need to invest money, energy, months or even years of your life, and it’s really scary to get nothing afterwards.

That’s why we gathered all our experience and build the working shortcut strategy how to start your career in IT in 2024 and not to loose. Our roadmap will bring you straight to your goal — from zero to hero. Join us!

Igor Lakeev, CEO of Berlin Technological Academy HI GmbH
We help you to find the shortest way to the IT market
—> This is a part-time course, it works perfectly along with your full-time job, other studies, family duties, and social life.

—> The course lasts 600 academic hours. You need just a computer with Internet access and 10-20 hours per week for the studies depending on the pricing plan you select.

—> All the materials including video classes, long reads, practical tasks, code simulators, interactive exercises, and assignments are hold in your private space in our learning management system.
Data Engineer
Course Outline
Our courses consist of 80% practical work side by side with a teacher to help you get used to real-work routines and be ready for a job right after a course completion.

After completing the course, you have the opportunity to attend a counselling session at our career center. During the session, we discuss your individual needs and match you with 30-100 job vacancies from various sources, both open and closed.

We assess your skills and assist you in creating a CV that is guaranteed to capture the attention of potential employers. Together, we develop a personalized strategy to help you find a job in IT.
Career counseling with an HR expert after the course

Our training platform

Get your access to our educational platform with structured video classes, longreads, practical tasks, interactive exercises, and assignments. We have the built-in code simulator that let you practice your skills immediately and with no limits.
Meet our heroes
I have worked with numbers all my life in the field of private equity, banking and finance. Now I am 53 years old, and I realized that I need to change something in order to be in demand in the industry.
Alexander Berlin
Gian Piero Canevari
I personally really enjoyed the lessons as compared to a big college lecture halls the professors are eager to answer my questions and will exercise their expertise by explaining topics from the ground up.
Savva Osipov
Now I'm here to learn how to develop new things. My goal is to become a data analyst and make career as a developer or data scientist. I chose BTA because of the good structure of the program and because it is trustable to get the right skills to get a job afterwards.
53 y.o., Spain
26 y.o., Denmark
18 y.o., Serbia
Students about Berlin Technological Academy
Development team leader in Financial Sector
Alexander Solodchenko
Senior frontend developer at SMS Traffic
Denis Zelikson
Lecturer at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT)
Hayk Inants
Data Architect at United Bank Limited (UBL) in Pakistan
Rana Nomeer Anjum
Senior instructors at Berlintech
Every hero needs a teacher

Your potential employers in Germany

We constantly monitor German companies that are in search for junior IT developers to provide our students with the up-to-date market information.
  • Teclead Ventures GmbH
  • RLE International
  • Kertos GmbH
  • plusYOU GmbH
  • tech11
  • best it - eCommerce solutions group
  • construktiv GmbH
  • WURAVENTA - Passion for Talent
  • netgo
  • Continental
  • Accenture
  • Alphapet Ventures GmbH
  • Nigel Frank International Limited
  • Wargaming
  • MaibornWolff GmbH
  • Finanz Informatik GmbH & Co. KG
  • Vector Informatik GmbH
  • FourEnergy GmbH​
  • Scalable GmbH
  • TFI GmbH
  • ALTEN Consulting Services GmbH
  • Interhyp AG
  • and 1000+ more
  • workidentity GmbH
  • top itservices AG
  • Da Vinci Engineering GmbH
  • IBM
  • engineering people GmbH
  • Haufe Group
  • Westhouse Group GmbH
  • Exclusive Associates
  • U-Glow GmbH
  • brandung GmbH
  • Experis GmbH
  • Randstad Deutschland
  • T-Systems International GmbH
  • deepblue networks AG
  • AVL
  • Navimatix GmbH
  • Axiom Software Solutions
  • INDIE Solutions GmbH
  • Schmieder GmbH
  • Collaboration Betters The World GmbH
  • i22 Digitalagentur GmbH
  • StackFuel GmbH
  • Hellmann Worldwide Logistics SE & Co. KG
  • PHE-Perm Engineering
  • CHECK24
  • Vergleichsportal
  • Michael Page
  • Hays
  • Ardekay IT Recruitment
  • Brunel
  • Akkodis Germany Tech Experts GmbH
  • Intercon Solutions GmbH IT & Engineering Experts
  • engaged & Company GmbH
  • Clearstone GmbH
  • Deutsche Bank
  • adesso SE
  • ZEISS Group
  • ARES Consulting GmbH
  • Bertrandt
  • SAP
  • Developer Akademie GmbH
  • E.ON
  • GAB-Solution GmbH
  • Otto (GmbH & Co KG)
Ready to make your first step in IT?
Book a call with our advisor by July, 6 to lock in 20% off
Get free career consultation and save your 20% off for all the Berlintech’s courses
Get a free career consultation and save your 20% off for all the Berlintech’s courses
Talk to our advisors
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